1233 Tarver Rd
Burleson, TX 76028
Orphanage Benefit Concert / Bluegrass music for a great cause!
The Community of Life Church in Burleson is sponsoring a bluegrass benefit concert to assist the La Ola Children’s Orphanage in Jocotepec, Mexico. The church has partnered with La Ola to help them as much as possible. Here’s a flyer for the event.
The orphanage is being evicted and they are desperately in need of funds to find another place in which to house the 26 children living there.
Stan Denman’s band, Grassfire, along with the Paluxy Pickers and Down Home Praise will be featured. Each band will play for 45 minutes.
The cost will be $10.00 per person, to be collected at the door. Every dollar will go to La Ola, as the bands have donated their time and the school has donated the venue.